Plasti-culture Bedding Machine
The plasti-culture bedding machine is ideal for a grower with a smaller tractor and only needs a 30 HP tractor to pull. It is designed for use with compact tractors in high tunnels and fields where close spacings are desirable. It lays 36" to 48" plastic mulch or weed fabric.
Here are some other features of the plasti-culture machine:
Crowned bed makes your bed a little higher in the center so that the water runs off the beds.
Adjustable tension on plastic roll and independent spring loaded press wheels ensure plastic is stretched tightly.
Cover disks are independently spring-loaded and fully adjustable. Plastic is covered where needed to hold it in place!
Dirt Shields - only included with the 48" Machine.
Teflon lined bed press gives a smooth, pressed seed bed and eliminates pot holes.
The drip tape irrigation attachments feature an adjustable feed in tube and tension adjustment. Flat free/foam filled press wheels.
Uses Category 1 Hitch
Rental Costs
- $50 a day
Please call us at our office, 336-751-5011, if you need more information or are interested in renting this equipment.
Items For Purchase:
- Plastic is 9 cents per ft.
- Drip Tape is 3 cents per ft.